Ozymandias (My favorite poem) by Percy Bysshe Shelley

"And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'"
~Percy Bysshe Shelley

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Navitas Vinculum Lupus

Navitas Vinculum Lupus are one of the races in the universe.  They are large animals that evolved from wolves.  Navitas Vinculum Lupus means energy bond wolf.  As the name implies, Navis (as their nicknamed in the book,) have the ability to create a bond with another being. 
Bonding means that their energies connect to one another making them closer to one that two beings.  When a Navi bonds, both parties have a hightened sensitivity to the others needs, emotions, and physical feelings; the Navi also connects to the other's life line.  When the Navis bond mate dies, so does the Navi. An unbonded Navi usually lives about 20 years.  They have a higher intelligence than the wolves of Earth now making it possible for them to truely connect with humans (which is their main bond.) The human however does not die if the Navi does, they just feel like part of them has died.  This is because it is the Navi who forms the bond and is completely dependent on it once it is formed. 
In the story, Shard is Izzy's Navi.  They play together, fight together, eat together, sleep together, are always together.  When apart they feel wrong, as if part of them is missing; duh. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Adventure begins again

Over my first month of college I've come to the conclusion that there will be no writing of my book while i am here.  There is just no time at all. 
College kills creativity.  When i go to bed i used to stay away for a long time thinking out sections of my book, now all i can manage to do is get comfortable before i fall asleep.  Not only that but there is just a sense of deadness to everything that being inspired to write is out of the question.
The only times so far that i have been able to get anything down on paper was after a weekend at home where i was automatically excited to write and figured out how to fix the beginning of my book!

Last time i had posted my book was done........ almost anyway.  Now it's back to square one.  I decided it wasn't good enough.  So i rethought it and now i have started over.  I will still use some sections from my first draft, but the story will start earlier than the first draft.

The story takes place about 5000 years in the future.  Many different planets have been colonized and the races of Earth have all mixed together so tightly that there is no differentiation for any particular race any more.  Except for a a group of people known as Silver Eyes.  They originated as Greeks, descended from the Greek Gods.  So while the main character looks mostly Greek (except for the eyes) everyone else has mixed features.
For my own purposes i'm going to describe Izzy briefly.
She is very short and thin, petite but leanly muscular.  Dark dark dark thick medium length wavy hair.  Slightly oriental shaped eyes.  Very pale but olive toned skin.  And her brother has blond hair and darker olive toned skin.  Both have silver eyes. duh.

When colonization first started, Japan was the first to enter deep space.  Having just been allowed a military again, due to the situational on Earth.  They took the opportunity to used their advanced technology to be the first to colonize.  Because of that much of the culture and language is Japanese. 

The future of the human race turned more and more militaristic so that at the point the story begins, kids go away to some form of military school at the age of twelve.

This is where i decided to begin my story.  At the main character, Izzy's graduation test. 

The next thing i have to think about is the different planets, races, and customs.  Because all though the Earth countries and cultures are mere history that only the libraries know,  the planets developed their own cultures. 

The next thing I'll turn my sights on is the Navitas Vinculum race, or Navis. 

I will do my best to over come the overwhelming presence of college and fight my way to the end of what will hopefully be an awesome book!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Train Departs Kings Cross Station Forever

Just got home from seeing the final Harry Potter movie on opening night.  I hadn't been able to get excited for the longest time.  In fact, all the way up until like.... it started i wasn't really excited.  At least not the way i should have been.  Though standing in like with all the nerds who were dressed up was a lot of fun.  Every one being so into it, everyone being so devoted to the books that they camp out outside the theater for hours before the movie starts.  That was my friends.
My friends had the best costumes there that i saw.  They had the most creative costumes with the most attention to detail that only true fans could ever pull off. 
They stayed up all night, they cooked, they worked, they strove; they succeeded.  We may not have been able to put together the basilisk in time, but the best part is that if we had it would have been the best.

Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling give me hope that i will be able to create a story that can entertain and change people's lives the way Harry Potter did.  It also gives me the greatest challenge of my life; if i can do something as great as that, it will be a miracle. 

Harry Potter may be over.  The books are over and now so are the movies.  But Harry Potter will live on in the hearts of people like my friends.  People who love the story enough that when they turned 11 they waited for their letter to be delivered to them by owl to tell them they were going to Hogwarts.  Those are the people that can bring stories to life, can bring magic into the world, can be witches and wizards. 
If there is such thing as magic, then it lives in my friends.

The train is leaving platform 9 3/4, but instead of taking us to Hogwarts it's taking us on another adventure.  Harry Potter opened up a world of possibilities and adventures waiting to be had.  A new step in our lives is beginning without us being able to look forward to the next Harry Potter.  But it will always be there on our bookshelves waiting to be read again.  And it will always be there ready to give us a break from what ever adventure life throws at us next. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Roommate

So i've got a new roommate for college next year.  Excited?! sure.
I guess i can't really get excited until ive met her.  What if shes a freak?! well... then we'll get along perfectly.
Now the real question is... will she be my new inspiration for writing? Probably not.  Will she stand in my way of writing? WHO KNOWS? she'd better not. 

I am so tired and it is effecting my ability to write.  When ever i sit down to write i find myself spacing out the the point of drool! Not really, thats gross. Spit is gross.  Anything salivical is disgusting.  Inspirational? NO

another thing keeping me from writing is the gradual report videos... they are so funny! I can't stop watching them xD Hence... not writing.  I will persevere tonight i am sure.  I vow to at least writing one word.. because that is honestly farther than i have been able to get all day and ive sat down planning to write at least four times so far.  Tonight i will get something. 

unless i go help Eileen dread her hair.... but at least Eileen inspires my writing so maybe i'll get something out of her. 
My mom also inspires me.  Recently she gave me the quote after mark said he'd defeated the enemy on call of duty and mom said "They all seem to still have their feet to me."
we laughed uncontrollably and dion and mark didnt even get it.  Idiots. 

time to go shopping with mom with more distractions from writing.  Sigh.  I must at least get something down, i feel like im slowing down. huff.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Through the Eye of the Beholder

Bats fly as dark flitty shadows, zig-zaging through the light cobalt sky, dancing a hectic ballet with the gently spastic lights of the lightning bugs.  
Light yellowed leaves cascaded down from the shadows.  The unnatural glow adding layers to the already sultry vines as they hung in ever peaceful silence.
Branches of a great pine tree feathered into a point, reaching into the dusk blue sky.
The coal blue backdrop turned the trees to dark silhouettes, gently rustling under a gust of wind.
Streaks of light from the city shot across the darkening sky as tiny points of light blinked their way into sight and winked at passers by.
While the brightest stars dotted the sky in a pattern of the heavens, three distant stars faintly glinted together in a train, as if to offer a trip through space to dreamers. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Dream

They hadn't seen each other in a year and neither expected to be in the same place at that moment.  She froze when he walked in the room.  His classy suit bringing out his startlingly blue and familiar blue eyes; like the ocean.  He walked toward her in surprise as soon as he laid eyes on her.  She sat in a sparkling navy blue evening gown; her dark hair tumbled down her bare shoulders in gentle curls.  Seeing him approach, her shoulders hunched forward nervously and their eyes met as he crouched down before her.  His eyes widened in wonder as he noticed how she had changed.  They'd both grown beyond what either could have expected.  He was more beautiful than she had remembered.  It brought a smile to her face to see the new found awe in his eyes when he looked at her.  But it pleased her even more to find that the spark in his gaze and smile remained.  They began to see each other around more often.  Unable to keep from looking they would quickly look away when caught.  They did different things, laughed with different groups, stayed by the side of the wrong person; but snuck the occasional glimpse across the room. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Small flickers here and there, growing more and more frequent.
Brighter and brighter surrounding you. Flashes as if a painter were capturing an African thunderstorm.
Thunder begins. A grumble here a mumble there; growing until suddenly with a titanic crash of thunder that shakes the earth and a flash of heaven it begins to pour.
You only know from the constant whispering whoosh of it coming down, and the rapid pitter patter on the roofs and windows of houses.
Washing away sorrows and stress for the brief moment of the storm.
Lightning brings a spark of brilliance; thunder a crash of strength; rain a surge of peace and serenity.