Ozymandias (My favorite poem) by Percy Bysshe Shelley

"And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'"
~Percy Bysshe Shelley

Friday, May 13, 2011


People change, the seasons change, hopes and dreams change.
Everything changes.
No matter what you do or how hard you try you can never fight it.
You can make the best of friends and do things that you can’t see ever getting any better.
You can fall in love and think it’s forever.
You can make a friend “best friends forever.”
Nothing is forever
People die; people grow up, people change
You can spend your life adoring someone, looking up to them respecting them and then suddenly they die and all you have left to do is tell your kids about their great grandparent
Life sucks, and then you die
Well that’s not really true… but it sure is painful.
Someone can be your best friend one day, and the next you hardly ever see them again. All you can do is think how much you miss them and put on a smile when they’re near you. The person you cracked jokes with and created memories with is gone and all you can do is look back and remember.
Someone can light up your world with their smile each day until the day you go your separate ways. The person who seemed to think exactly like you did would be gone. All you can do is look back and remember.
Someone can be the most annoying prick in your life and yet you love them unconditionally anyway until one day that changes. Sometimes the changes are instant and others they’re gradual. But over time you will grow to see that the love has changed and all you can do is look back and remember.
Someone might have been your best friend through childhood until one summer you both change and come back with entirely new friends. All you can do is look back and remember.
You can move on. You can accept that things change and there is nothing you can do about it. Enjoy the things while you have them and look forward to the things to come.
The fact that nothing stays the same does not mean that life is going to go downhill the best thing to do is stand up straight and face the future.
And occasionally look back, and remember.

Slowly the sun comes up, pushing aside the dark.
Through the shadows of night springs a festival of color.
The first hints of light reflect into the night sky, brightening it.
From under the horizon peeks a golden circle. Light beams shoot through the clouds in pastel colors of pinks and yellows, oranges and reds, some purples and some blues.
Colors that mix for just those brief moments in the sky dance together with the start of a new day.
The last remaining shadows of the night flee before the laughing sun.

The sun, shining brightly in the clear blue sky, begins to feel the pull of the night.
Hard as it strains, it cannot fight the darkness.
Faster and faster the sun falls from the sky.
Fighting to the very end, it sends out its last rays of light.
Despair floods in as the shadows creep in, tainting the light.
With sinister joy, the night pushes the sun out of the sky.

A black sheet floats above the world, sucking hope.
Slowly the great silver moon rises up, pushing the darkness aside.
Encouraged by the moon’s boldness, tiny stars begin to follow her example.
Pricks of light begin to peek through the dark blanket and wink at the shadows.
More and more come out until the sky is splattered with millions of glittering lights.
Reflecting into the darkness the stars make a compromise.
Giving the stars beauty, the deep sky gives the stars a background for luster to shine brighter and stand out.
Giving the shadows joy, the stars take the fear out of the night.

And Repeat...


  1. Wonderful prosy poetry. :) Lovely. The darkest points and people in our lives make an inky velvet backdrop for the light. (and some of our friends make the dogs painted on the velvet. ;) )
